Fast & Powerful Data Analysis
You don't need expensive and complex data science resources to benefit from advanced data analytics. Enhencer enables you to import, analyze and predict in less than few minutes requiring no coding or statistical expertise at all. Enhencer puts the data analysis in a nutshell with 4 steps.
1 - Connect/Upload Data
Upload data of many formats or Import data from various sources like Typeform, Survey Monkey, Google Form and many more in a matter of seconds.
2 - Instant Actionable Insights
Bring down the analysis time from days to minutes as Enhencer empowers the data analysis with decision tree algorithm in an accessible manner for everyone.
3 - Powerful Segmentation
Enhencer is designed with machine learning algorithms that can explore and provide the best & reliable segments automatically no matter the complexity of the data.
4 - Predictive Models
Enhencer builds the perfect predictive model & digs out the variable that truly effects your target automatically leaving you the task of just clicking the predict button.
Advanced data analytics segmentation |
Enhencer brings all these features together to present the most complete data analysis package featuring from simple & stunning visuals to the most advanced data mining & predictive modeling algorithms. Enhencer also brings machine learning algorithms to the table making the data insights and predictions more accurate and reliable than ever.
Machine Learning Algorithms
Enhencer takes an approach for improving performance and reliability by using machine learning algorithms.
Powerful Segmentation
Enhencer provides powerful & reliable segments automatically from the data using machine learning algorithms.
Stunning Visual Stories
Using intuitive and interactive interface of Enhencer acquire stunning visual stories for all your data types.
Robust Prediction
Predict the unknown using powerful predictive models such as decision tree, random forest, XGBoost & neural network.
Likert & Promoter Score
Survey friendly features to spot the business growth opportunities that no other data analysis packages provide.
Flexible Integrations
Connect and integrate the different data sources from online data collection platforms and database platforms.
For more information, demo-request or free trial, please click.
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